Sunday, December 18, 2016

Welcome Christmas!

Wow, what a time for it to be on my heart to start a blog! Christmas time has always been a busy time of year for me, whether it’s due to family, finals, or some combination of the two, and this year is no exception. Starting today, M and I will have the joy (and busy-ness) of hosting family for the next three weeks!

I tend to be your standard type-A personality, so this has meant meal prepping, activity planning, and gift shopping has been something I’ve been working on since September. Now that the time has finally come though, it’s almost hard for me to slow down and remember to enjoy the moments and memories together, instead of trying to stick to the schedule.

With H being 10 months and old enough to really enjoy people and the events that are going on, she is such a joyous reminder to me to be present and I can’t imagine not being fully tuned in for her first Christmas! That is a big part of why this Christmas I’m trying to really not get sidetracked by all the details. I want to enjoy the peace of knowing my Savior who has been with me through the ups and downs of various paths I’ve walked so far is going to continue on with me into the adventure of next year. I want to find joy in the anticipation of celebrating the birth of the one who saved me for His purpose.